Thursday, March 13, 2008

Resonant Blah...

Alright, a few quick observations about the Resonant Blue PV.

My biggest complaint with this video is that it's nothing more than a glorified dance shot version, much like THE Manpower, only less interesting because there's no opening or closing zooms - just fade-in, fade-out. There's some half-assed close-ups spread throughout the video but, from the way they're shot, they just look like different angles of the same take as the rest of the video. It's obvious that H!P put next to no money into this PV.

The 'lesser' members, and especially the Pandas, got completely screwed for this one. If I wasn't familiar with the group, I'd think that JunJun and LinLin were just backup dancers, and that's seriously, seriously shitty. Although Sayumi did get a fairly significant close-up, it was only one, so she kinda got the shaft too. Aika was right in the camera's face at the beginning of the video, but that was it. Even C-ute PVs spread the screen time around more evenly than this.

To be blunt, this PV is boring. I can enjoy it because the girls (or, at least, the girls who were in the video enough to be seen) look good, but beyond that there's nothing (I will say that I was impressed by the Special Generation-style wave during the bridge, though). I was hoping that H!P's flagship group would get better treatment than this, but I should have known better. From my first impressions, I give it a disappointing/10.

- cfb

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