Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Guest Blog: Cal's H!P Dream

Alright, guest blog time.. Basically what caused this was...Cal read my blog about that crazy dream I had, and wanted to share one that he had as well (obviously, I blab at my friends about Hello!Project an awful lot, since even they're having H!P dreams). I thought this was pretty funny, so hopefully you will too.

Risa Niigaki Has A Valentine
Several weeks ago, I had my first dream involving a member of Hello!Project. Risa Niigaki, to be specific.
The dream started out with me driving to my grandmother’s house for one reason or another. About half way there, I encountered a fork in the road, or something like that, or I may have just wanted to take a different route there. Regardless, I took a road that I don’t usually take, and ended up getting severely lost. After driving through the woods on this road for a while, I came out into a clearing on top of a hill, only to find that this road had taken me all the way back to the outside of the town where I live. I started driving down the hill, and another car passed me on the way. I looked over at the person driving, and was confused for a moment. So I started moving backwards to catch up to the car (this was weird…I was driving in my car, but I was walking at the same time - I’m sure everyone knows that weird kind of dream stuff). Anyway, I caught up to the person driving, and it was none other than Risa Niigaki. I believe her hair was done up in the way that it was in Kanashimi Twilight, but her clothes were more casual; jeans and a cute t-shirt or something.
We got to talking, and somehow ended up getting food at the Pan-Asian restaurant I work at, which was just a few minutes away. Afterwards, we were just standing out front talking, when I realized that Zac would flip if he knew what I was doing. So I sent him a text message telling him what was going on.
He arrived a few minutes later, and proceeded to go completely BALLISTIC with excitement. I mean totally insane. Like, sputtering, almost yelling, unintelligible insane. Think the scenes in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” when a man meets Jessica Rabbit for the first time, but even more ridiculous. I remember myself being amused and trying not to laugh, while looking at Niigaki’s reaction, which was nothing short of utter bewilderment.
There was a moment of silence, and Niigaki made it clear to the both of us that she had to leave, so she got in her car and left. I don’t remember what Zac did, but I went back into the restaurant, and sat down for a bit.
About ten or so minutes later, I got a text message from Risa Niigaki. I don’t know how or when we exchanged numbers, but whatever. The message read: “Will you be my Valentine?” Also, I don’t know how I knew it, but I could tell she was pronouncing “Valentine” as “Valenteen”. Regardless, this was super-cute.
From here on out, I can’t remember anything. Of course I replied “Yes!”

Damn you, Cal...I wish Risa would be my valentine...
- cfb

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