Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2009 H!P Calendars: WHICH ONE WILL CFB BUY!?

Calendar season is upon us once again. I've been planning for a long time to purchase the Berryz 2009 calendar. Does that still hold? Let's find out...


First of all, WHAT THE FUCK. It doesn't even look like a calendar cover. There's no text, no group name...for all I know, someone could have taken a random picture of C-ute in the right aspect-ratio and claimed it to be the 2009 calendar cover. I refuse to believe that this is the cover until I see some proof...although I must admit, I'm actually quite fond of Maimi in that dress.

Matsuura Aya

This one looks very promising. I told myself that I wouldn't be buying a H!P solo artist's calendar (based on the fact that I'm definitely buying the Erika Toda 2009 calendar, and I like to have a group calendar and solo calendar together on my wall)...but man, Ayaya is really temping me to change my decision.

Morning Musume

And then, out of nowhere, Momusu is amazing. Everybody looks great, with the possible exception of Linlin...but I'll forgive her, simply because she's got herself working against her. Hopefully the contents follow through with what the cover promises.

Berryz Koubou

I hate to say it, but this cover just screams boring. It's not that the girls look bad...the cover just...doesn't do anything for me at all. I'm sure the contents will be fine (I mean, come on...it's Berryz Koubou)...but compared to some of the other ones for this year, BK just doesn't seem to be keeping up.

Abe Natsumi

I've always thought that Nacchi was pretty, and that still stands here. If I were a big fan of her, this one would be a good candidate. Sadly, I'm not. Sorry, Nacchi. XD

And the final result?
I'm slightly torn between Berryz Koubou and Morning Musume. The only reason I'm even considering Berryz is, since the 2008 calendar was a tear-off one (and, really...phooey on that >.<), I would think the 2009 one would be tear-off as well. And, right now, I have a HUGE amount of space on my wall that is completely empty, and I'd like to plaster that wall with Berryz goodness. The question is, do I want to buy the 2009 calendar and hang the pages as I tear them off, or mutilate my 2008 calendar and buy the Momusu 2009 one? Decisions, decisions....

I will gladly accept suggestions in the comments. XD
- cfb


Anonymous said...

I'd say buy the morning musume one. But I don't really have a good reason, except that they look really good on the cover. =P

Anonymous said...

I'd go with Morning Musume too. The covers could be misleading, of course, but it looks like they made more of an effort on MM's. You can't be sure the Berryz calendar will be tear-off anyway and besides - I'm sure UFA will be selling plenty of other pictures you can plaster your wall with.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'd say buy the Morning Musume one. I have no reason for it, but Morning Musume's seems like it's going to be better than the other two.
If I had to tell you which one to buy if you liked to laugh, I'd probably go for C-ute's. If the cover's any indication, C-ute's is gonna be one big world-less laugh fest. (I like C-ute, but come on, that cover...)