Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why Post About "STUFF"?

Broomhead over at true life seek made a recent post about people posting pictures of the stuff they buy. Since that's pretty much all I do on this blog anymore, I suppose it's appropriate to respond.

First of all, I have to establish that I have, for the most part, lost interest in blogging. Were it not for my desire to keep track of all the H!P stuff I buy, this blog would most likely have been dead for months now. Shortly before I stopped posting seriously, I came to realize that the only reason I blogged was for the recognition that came from getting covered on IW and the ensuing comments, and that just felt like a shameless, cheap reason to continue posting...thus me no longer writing "real" posts. As such, the reason I post my "GETS" on here isn't really to keep my blog active, although it may have served that purpose at one point in time.

I primarily post the H!P stuff I buy for my own personal records. Monthly posts of what I purchase give me an idea of how my buying habits vary over time, and keeping a complete list of all the H!P merchandise I've acquired gives me an easy way to keep track of how many CDs, DVDs, and photobooks I have. Also, I'm proud of my collection, and it feels nice to pull up my merch list and click the links, seeing the progress of my ongoing quest to "buy 'em all".

Now the question arises of...why even have this blog anymore? I could easily keep track of my purchase history through some other means. Of course, I love to show off my collection (what can I say? I'm an attention whore when it comes to collecting)...but I also show my support for the idols I love through buying their merchandise, and posting my purchases on a public blog lets me show that love and support to others in the community. I would like to think that there are people somewhere who get enjoyment from seeing the things I buy, and I originally started posting my GETS here for that specific reason...but lately that has become secondary to those reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph.

I suppose this means that I essentially think of Obnoxious Wota as a non-contributor to the H!P blogging community. I've kind of drifted away from other bloggers over the last several months, so I guess I'm not too concerned as to whether or not this blog continues to tie me to them in some way. Say what you may, but I don't feel like I'm truly connected to the community anymore, other than through the few people I still talk to occasionally over AIM/MSN...and honestly, I'm not sure if I want to be. This is something I'm still trying to think my way through, so maybe I'll change my mind and jump back into the community, but I've got my doubts. Either way, I'm now totally off-topic from why I originally started writing this post, so I'll go ahead and cut myself off here.

- cfb


Anonymous said...


Gee CFB...
I had just read broomhead's opinion on 'posting stuffs we buy' up there, and... it quite kills my excitement of buying the drama you just commented on. It's so not fair! I just bought it, not even in 24 hours ago, and now I have to suffer this feeling!

Now, I'm starting to feel everything's a waste here; blogging that is. *sniff* I'm sorry, but since you just left a comment in my blog, so I'm happy to visit yours, but not intending to be emotional here in the first place. *sob*

Gosh... what am I saying here? CFB, please don't stop blogging too. I noticed that Morning Berryz had stop too and I just don't want to lose more friends in this community. Coz that would finally leads to Eternal <3's death one day... *sob*

Zac said...

Believe me, amyrulez, I've got no intention to stop blogging. XD

That last paragraph was more about staying in touch with the community than me continuing to blog, haha (and I'm already feeling the need to eat my words >.>). And don't let what broom said discourage you...his views on stuff tend to differ from most of the community, and he blogs more to help himself think through things than to present ideas for other bloggers (at least, from what I understand). I know I'm not letting it bother me. :P